James Douglas Cox

Stainless Steel

5′ x 32″ x 56″

“The Praying Mantis” is taken from a series of 3D wooden puzzles. I thought it would be interesting to enlarge them and build them in stainless steel. These were some of my first larger scaled sculptures. I did about 6 sculptures in this series. I feel that this early series was essential in my development, to find my own voice. This was piece was finished 21 years ago.

The sculptures I make have to be aesthetically pleasing to me because I can spend anywhere from 200-300 hours on each of them. I work for the Paul Mueller Company in Springfield, MO. I go in to work 2 or 3 hours early to work on my sculptures so the piece has to keep my interest for 2 to 3 months. When I make a model of a potential sculpture I place it in my office then I will change things and add to it until I think it’s ready to build. I still change things even during the building process. Over the years I have learned from each and every sculpture I have made sure that there is always room for improvement. The message or meanings of my artwork I leave to the viewers on there own terms.

Visit Doug Cox’s website to see his other works: www.jdcoxrocksmetalart.com
