Sculpture Walk Springfield invites artists from around the world to submit their digital video artworks for our ongoing downtown artwork display. Learn more about Alleyscapes here.

Submission Deadline: Thursday, August 1, 2024
Honoraria: $100 awarded to selected artists


Submission Guidelines:

Artwork: Submit a link to or attach your proposed digital video artwork. In one .pdf document [LastName.FirstName.VideoArt.pdf], please provide:

    • Artist Resume: Provide your artist resume listing your experience and previous works.
    • Artist Statement: Share a brief statement about your artistic practice.
    • Artwork Description: Include a brief description of your proposed video work. Include title, year produced, duration.

Artwork Content: Video submissions can be narrative, abstract, performance-based, conceptual, or any genre of digital time-based artwork.

Audience: Ensure your digital video work is suitable for audiences of all ages.

Hardware: Video works requiring additional hardware beyond a projector and speakers will not be considered.

Size: For the most effective picture display please format video art to fit 16’x9’ space


General Project Information:

    • Artists can participate from anywhere in the world; on-site presence during the display is not required.
    • The final submitted version of the video must be successfully delivered online for payment eligibility.
    • Selected artworks must be submitted in one of the following, .MP4, .MOV, .WMV, or .AVI formats.
    • Artists understand that their artworks may be captured and used for promotional, commercial, and marketing purposes by SWS and associated organizations.
    • The general public may share captured images of your artwork on social media and for other purposes beyond the control of Sculpture Walk Springfield.
    • Artists will have their artworks displayed for a predetermined length of time of at least one month or longer.
    • Artists can choose to enable Sculpture Walk Springfield to include their works in a repository for future display, at no additional expense to either party.


How to Submit:

Please send your submissions or inquiries to Bridget Bechtel, Executive Director at [email protected] with the subject line: “Alleyscapes – [Your Name]” Include all required materials mentioned above. We look forward to receiving your digital video artwork submissions. Join us in illuminating our downtown with your creativity!

Note: Terms and conditions are subject to change.


Photos of Projection Space:

All work will be displayed on the second level between the windows.


Alleyscapes was brought to fruition through the generosity of Hatch Foundation, Pitt Technology Group, and Hotel Vandivort.